To communicate with someone who is far away, the used method of correspondence, telegram to telephone. Now by utilizing the functions of computers as a means of communication so we can talk with colleagues or relatives while looking at the camera directly using technologycalled Webcam. Not only that, we can also converse using words only (chatting), sent a letter (e-mail) and send files in the form of images, sounds or other data in a form.
As a means to facilitate the work of the
Long before the creation of the computer with the keyboard, the person typing a letter using a typewriter and when there is an error then the paper that is used to type will be dumped, it cannot be used again while using computer, small mistakes can we delete and retype the so can be edited without any visible to a few former gaffe.
As a means of entertainment
When the first of our entertainment is limited to television, radio and tape now computers can replace the entire function of the tools last overall with just one device only. Not only that, we can play using a computer through various applications of existing games. The facilities thatwe provide on computer include:
The computer in the form of tablet PC as a means of entertainment
One of the functions of the computer in the form of a tablet PC is as a means of entertainment
Play a song through the music player, CDVD even through the internet
Watch movies through media player, CDVD or streaming video over the internet
Play games using the application or via the internet
Communicate with friends through social media on the internet or chat application
Watching TV using the TV Receiver to your computer or Online Channel on the internet
As a means of education
Other computer function is as a tool to assist facilities of education through the medium of the internet. In addition we can gain through the computer science such as:
The installation process (install) applications. Of the process that we can learn how to install the program on your computer at the same timeknowing how to use and fix problems in the program memlaui features a Tutorial or Help
Some applications can make us to be experts in some matters such as the application of Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw graphic field. Power Point for applications in the area of presentation. AutoCAD as a program to help in terms of architecture. MySQL in the field of programmingand much more.
Apart from the application, we can also add insights through the medium of the internet. Diverse science can we learn such as the economy,Poilitik, science, history, religion, mathematics and so on.
As a means of business
online shopping is getting this now commonplace
Online Shopping is getting this now commonplace
Business methods can use just about anything including the computerone. The computer can be rented (computer rental), made into the cafe, business printing, edit video and images for advertising, graphic design, install and service software (software), website creation, computer courses and many more other business means
As a means of controlling (controlling)
On some of the major agencies such as hospitality, factories, television and many other types of companies, the computer can be used as a means to control one or more of the system governing such as traffic lights, elevators and escalator, Operations Manager of CCTV cameras, control network, the control mechanism of the factory and others.
As a means of information
A variety of common information we can find also here such as:
Health information in the form of medical treatment, place the tips
Product information for finding out more clearly about the products that we want
Travel information such as tips on travelling, ticket information, tourist attractions
Job information for those who are looking for jobs, business opportunities or ways of completing a job
Entertainment information such as download games, movies, looking for a place of entertainment
Weather information in the form of the State of the weather at a place
Political information to know events that relate to the situation of the country and the Government
That's some computer functions that we can enjoy. But that does not mean the computer is blameless blamed the media. The positive functions in addition to the above, there are many negative side brought about by computers and most of the negative side of this is generated by its users. Potentially negative things produced include:
Due to the recreational facilities
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